Wednesday 30 September 2009


Due to the severe boredom of not actually having the energy to do anything I will put up with third post of the day. Aren't you all lucky? I don't usually post two consecutive days, am on fire.

Thought I would post a couple designs which I found earlier. The one on the left is a tartan pencil skirt, a brown leather belt and sheer silk ruffle shirt. I love classic heritage fabrics like tweed and leather, hence why I love Vivienne Westwood. The right one is a design for a 1950s style bias cut evening gown. I don't know why purple, wouldn't personally wear that colour for evening, potential to look cheap? I dunno, but I like the top half...

The first one is naff. I just love full length high waisted trousers and v necks. D&G have a gorgeous pair of white and red striped ones. I want. Lacking funds. Damn. The second is actually a sketch one of of my usual outfits. In future I might draw instead of photograph me outfits as it's easier, less hassle and more fun. The boots are me mother's from the 1980s, Dolly's trench coat-I'm saving up for a vintage Burberry one, but this one suffices atm- tartan skirt 1980s and blue shirt.

I have a photo from Latitude this year which is currently refusing to upload. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Started work experience today, was at house of Ed Sheeran who is a really great singer songwriter, really strange coincidence as am working with his parents. Check him out. Is really good

Over and Out,


Leproust Vintage

Anyone who doesn't know, Leproust Vintage is a generally awesome blogger with an amazing vintage style and has recently updated her etsy shop and is having a giveaway for one lucky winner next week.
Check out her blog. It's great:)

Edit: Apparently the link didn't work... Leproust Vintage and Etsy Can you please comment to make sure it works? Thanks and sorry


At home ill today, first sick day from school in about four years, but just don't have the energy to do anything atm bar watching Project Runway, drinking tea and sorting out my bedroom (though I still have a few essays to write...) Whilst I was wading through the debris in my room, reminiscent of a bomb site I found some drawings of DVD covers that I had done a couple of years ago. Reasoning behind them is that I get bored when I watch films so I either draw, design, 'revamp' or repair my clothes. Here is a selection of my favourites.

Edward Scissorhands. One of my all time favourite films. I love Johnny Depp in this, plays a slightly deranged character so well that you just feel sorry for him the whole time.

Liza Minelli singing Maybe This Time is iconic. And her makeup! OMG! It's just too good. The costumes, the story, the music and her hair. It's perfection. Only she can say Darling as much as she does and not sound stuck up.

I like drawing faces, but I think the actress for this film is too stunning to capture with my amateur drawing. The costume in this is awesome. The book is pretty good as well.

Nicholas Hoult before 'Skins.' Killing Me Softly has never sounded the same since Hugh Grant sung it. Classic film. 'Every man is an island...'

My small collection of drawings, thinking I might post some of my designs up at some point. Christmas Party this year is masquerade themed. Any ideas welcome. Going up to Camden in half term, will supply photos.

Over and Out,

Sunday 27 September 2009


I found me phone so yay to me. I can put a few photos up. I really need to get better at taking them every day...

This is me on charity day. The theme was heroes and villains. I went as... I'm not really sure. It was a mixture of Queen of the Night, Dark Angel, Lady of the Night. Let's just hope it wasn't the last one... I have the Vicar of Dibley behind me. I just loved the light! It was taken on the bus to school...

This is Margot's jacket. I think I might have mentioned it previously. Margot is like me in that she has a slight dependency on charity shops and she always seems to find some amazing stuff. I think this is actually from a recent Boden catalogue, but I love its vintage feel. It's a pale pink linen with floral pattern, reminds me of my sofa... She apparently has a lilac version which is full length, but doesn't have the guts to wear it. Sorry about photo quality. If she wears it again, I will get a better photo. Promise...

A close up of the embroidery. So quaint

Slightly random, but an outfit post! Shock I know. This had a theme, I can't remember what... Anyway, it consists of mother's brown wool waistcoat, which I love. Father's old shirt, Auntie's old belt, Cherry's trousers and old boots. I was asked this day where I got my clothes from. I explained about their previous owners. I was then called the 'original flowerchild.' I answered, 'they say pikey, but o well.' (No offence intended there btw.)

These are my booties. Have had them for years, but have recently refallen in love with. They jingle when I walk and I feel really cool.

Really random photographen, but I love the light in this photo. At about 12ish noon in every season bar summer there is an amazing sun where I live. Plus I loved the reflection from my ancient socks. Probs weren't suitable for church...

So now I should really go and get psyched up for Harvest Evensong and poss tidy room as is a tip as usual. I recently retaken up the guitar and am trying to perfect One- Johnny Cash's version- I almost cried playing it yesterday. Tis emotional. I never cry, so was a strange experience.
I will get photos for future blogs and I will stop putting up random pictures with no relevance to the rest of the blog.

Over and Out,

Saturday 26 September 2009


Ok, I know I've already blogged today but I couldn't resist writing this as it severaly saddened me.

Today. Outside Tesco I saw a five year old wearing heels. I'm always shocked when children are made to look older because they hit 25 and suddenly want to look younger. Enjoy your youth!!
There is random picture I drew on a post it. Not joking they were about 2 inchs. I was shicked, plus they looked like Barbie shoes, that kind of Barbie pink. I was so tempted to scream NO! out of the window, but refrained. Yay, go me...
If I think of more I shall write. Woop...
Btw I bought the most immense presentos pour Lucia and Raquelle today. I will inform more in two weeks after their birthday.
Over and Out,


So I'm still writing essays and still getting distracted by blogs and Facebook, which we are now on. Yay! Set up by me friend.
I'm kinda bored atm, as you can imagine, Tudor essays and the Aeneid are not exactly the most thrilling things in the world. I have hired people for photo taking, so even if I'm not there I can critically complain as I am so good at doing. I have taken some on my phoneage but I've misplaced it. No idea where it could be. Will find as I have a really great jacket on there which my friend wore the other day. Will describe in depth when I can find.
Yesterday I found in the deep dark corners of my mother's wardrobe this awesome corduroy jacket by Ralph Lauren with suede elbow patches. Steal? I think I must. It's a really pale cream and is generally gorgeous.
The beanie guy is still out and about at school. The one with the great hair. i am seriously considering telling him not to wear it. I don't think he will listen.
On the music side atm, I'm loving the Rumble Strips and White Lies atm. So good. Saw at Latitude this year and are quite possibly amazing. As is Florence and the Machine, though the Rolling Stones will always hold a place in my heart.
OMG, season finale of the Tudors yesterday. I think it's the last series ever and Henry Cavill who is usually so gorgeous and funny and lovely was sent Cromwell to prison. Yeah, I know it had to happen, but for a split second I hated Mr Cavill. I was then overwhelmed by guilt. Was terrible.
Also check out Trinity. No idea when it is on, but is on itvplayer. Christian Cooke, we like.
I've realised lately that I've been wearing way too much black and gold. I used to be so florescent and I was told twice this week that I looked like I was going to a funeral.
Going to a charity shop later. It's the best one round here. Can't wait.

I think that's all for now...
Over and Out,

Wednesday 23 September 2009


So I haven't written in a while, but as I once again have a million essays for the next few weeks I feel I should intersperse my studying with some little blogging relief.

Don't really know what to write about as generally forget to get photos and everyone has been looking pretty naff recently. Sorry guys. Lucia was wearing a particularly nice pair of purple satin shorts the other day which I highly approve of as have a secret love of purple. Jemma Morken was wearing a slightly collegy outfit today, which I really liked. She had her £250 Dubarry boots and a white denim miniskirt, but she looked great. *Gives thumbs up* OMG, my mother bought Dolly possibly the cutest leather jacket for today. So cute. Real leather and only £14, charity shop of course. Will need photos. It's kinda just above hip length and brown. Love it. Sadly can't steal as is too small pour moi, am mentally cursing my cleavage...

Talking of photos I need to get some of my jacket which I 'revamped' the other day. I bought it from Peacocks ages ago, but didn't really like the fit so shortened the sleeves and pleated at back. But looks really cute. I also made another skirt into a cape, but it has yet to be bought into the public eye. I really need to start photographing. Well, I have a whole day of studies tomorrow (yay!) so will, amongst writing essays, do something. I might draw a picture... Note to self.

Oh yeah, it was Amelie's 18th on the weekend. Some lovely outfits. My fur coat was aired, I love it, has a great 50s shape, I feel like some film star. I also wore my white wool trousers, again I love. Lucia hates them, as she frequently tells me, but I love them, they are sooo comfy.

Today I wore this great vintage skirt, me mere and I have suspicions it's Jaeger. I don't usually approve of grey, but it's a really deep slate with little black velvet spots. Vintage 70s. But everyone did say I looked like I was in mourning. I was like if I was in mourning I would wear this with red lipstick and black veil. Oh the ravishing widow...

I will get photos for general pictures. Back to the essays...

Over and Out,

Friday 18 September 2009


I don't collect shoes. I love them, I appreciate their beauty (Prada, Louboutin) but my limited budget has no chance of keeping up with the price tags. My favourite pair are gold platforms by Miss Sixty. £16.99 TK Maxx. It broke my rule of not spending over £15.

Anyhoo the theme of shoes is topical because I have seen some pretty awesome ones recently round about the school and in my head.
Firstly there was this guy yesterday wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, but with bright yellow shoes. Like near fluorescent. Loved it.
Saw similar with a friend of mine, but a blue top and orange shoes. Complementary colours.

Shoes boots are also everywhere. Lucia recently bought a really gorgeous pair of grey ankle boots from Next. Actually adorable. Makes her already tiny feet Chinese sized...
On the topic of shoe boots there is this girl with a really crazy dress sense, might have already mentioned her. But she makes most of her clothes. Or charity shop, which is always great. But today she was wearing this cute brown shoe boots with brown ribbons and I was just like I want...

My recent shoe love has to be my old ancient workers boots. Simple brown leather, but really sturdy with multi coloured laces. I love them and they completed my Vivienne Westwood themed outfit the other day. (Long story, but my friend refused to believe that VW had ever done anything worth while in fashion. I was like OMG!)

That's it as am suffering from minor exhaustion and am in dire need of photos pour mon bloggen.

Over and Out,

Wednesday 16 September 2009


Now, though I only posted about ten minutes ago, I'm slightly bored. And this is my way of alleviating my boredom. So I have more things to say on my general school day and have remembered further outfits and paraphernalia to correspond to Cyber Space.

OMG. In massive letters. Saw probs the most hideous outfit today that I ever seen in my seventeen years of my current life. (I'll leave to open debate whether I had a previous one. Apparently I'm either new to this world. Or was a man. Thanks)

Anyway this outfit. The Girl in question was... about size 14 (English) ish. And was wearing this kinda fluorescent duck egg blue tight synthetic short sleeved polo neck thing. With a red waist belt hoisting everything up to the high heavens and a skirt that was about two inches longer. I immediately found Dolly and we stood together, flabbergasted, at this atrocity. The multicoloured hippy head band did not complete the look. And before you say I'm sizeist the outfit would probs have looked horrible on Kate Moss. It is beyond me as it why someone would design, make or buy it. Well, that's off my chest.

There is a guy in my form, who hasn't got the most outstanding fashion sense, ie wears jeans and a shirt/t-shirt everyday. But has an amazing collection of coats. Nothing flashy, just well tailored Barbours and wool coats. I like a lot.
Oh, another great (female) outfit today was this girl who always dresses slightly kooky, but I loved her brown skirt, white tights and brown leather pixie boot combo today. Worked really nicely. I really wish I had the guts to ask people for photos, or could remember to take them of myself. Jumpsuit today:) Love it.

I think I'm done for the night. Other than a very interesting comment I heard earlier from a friend, that most RnB singers have amazing voices- *cough* Beyonce *cough*- but they are rarely given songs which actually show off their vocal range and that is what makes rock and indie music so good as it usually involves a huge vocal range ie The White Lies or The Rumble Strips. Exceptions of course to If I Were A Boy.

Right night time. I'm off to watch a film, dunno yet. Poss Romancing the Stone as I started it yesterday. There is a scene when you first meet Michael Douglas that just makes you think Hugh Jackman in Australia. Douglas kinda seems weedy after that...

Over and Out,


Well, they aren't rugby players let's be honest. But there was this guy at school wearing a cricket jumper and buttoned up shirt. Was impressed I have to say. On the fashion side on things the guys are waaaay behind the girls. Other than the rugby shirts. The rugby shirts can stay.
I have to say though the introduction of beanies is really not needed to be honest, there is one guy with great hair. The beanie addition is not to my liking.

Actually I might just talk about men's fashion today. I feel like discussing this one sided with myself. So it's usually jeans and t-shirts right, with the odd checked shirt added in for good measure. Checked shirts are everywhere. I do believe there is one in my wardrobe. Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

So... men's fashion eh? Well, there is little at my small school bar the odd cool piece or the guy who feels he should be the 'style icon of the school.' Omg was my reaction to that modest remark. But he does have an amazing vintage Burberry trench coat so good on him I guess.
As I'm not a giant fan of tracksuit bottoms or sweat pants or whatever you call them, I don't usually approve of them on anyone unless there is sport involved. But I have to say that there is one guy at school, a different one to the aforementioned ones, that pulls off a pair of grey Converse ones especially well.

Btw, this isn't just a random gush about the guys in the school, just their clothes. And apparently hair as my lovely friends all suggested when I told them about this particular blog.
So apparently the 'public school' style or anything with body (to a certain limit) is advised. Curly hair is a gift from the gods, let it grow!!
Personally I'm more of a shirt that a t-shirt person when it comes to the masculine dress sense, but tank-tops are apparently also high on the list. My friends have very strange preferences it would seem. As are polo shirts. I have to say I do agree with that one. We like arm muscles. Haha.

This has taken a sort of conversational tone now I realise. Now bullet points:
(Btw I have recently become mildly obsessed with Brideshead Revisited and The Boat That Rocked so that might influence ideas...)
Ok... Here goes...
  • Shirts with v-neck jumpers
  • Long shorts.
  • The shirt and jeans look is apparently thumbs up worthy
  • I love tweed so a full length tweed coat is a must have.
  • POLO NECKS!! Jeremy Irons influence. Love love love
  • Ties for casual is not good. But for smart is. Or a bow tie.
  • The smart look has to be shirt and tie and all. I love tails, top hat and cane personally. Classic, slick backed hair. Clark Gable, Frank Sinatra. Lovely Lovely

This is the end of this blog as it has gone on for too long.

Over and Out,


Btw- Sam Hallows if you read this. Ha! But well done. And good guessing.

Monday 14 September 2009


I haven't posted in ages due to general not being able to grab the computer long enough to make a coherent sentence. Also have no new photos! Which is obviously upsetting for one and all, but if I do some serious begging with Hester I may be able to pikey some new ones of hers. But won't be up for about a week ish.

So the theme of this day, week, whatever, depending on how many things I can get hold of is weddings. It started because I sang at a wedding on Saturday and thought it was lovely that the groom was so nervous that he put the ring on the wrong finger and said the wrong words. Well, this bought up the subject of weddings with my friends and there was an interesting array.

Some of my friends, especially Lucia, have everything from the flowers to the food sorted, but most only had the dress. Myself, I want a winter wedding. So cold that I can wear a full length white fur coat, with a proper white fur hat. I would love a train for my dress, but the expense might get a bit too much. Naturally the bridesmaids would wear fur hats, but in peachy orangey with hand furs as well. I like fur what can I say.
I completely agree with Savannah though. She thinks that brides have to have curly hair. It just completes the Romantic era look. Slightly Taylor Swiftish in Love Story.

Sweetheart necklines came up a lot. I thought that was nice, not just the name though. They are sooo flattering, but Hester came up with it so I guess it stays with her. I love the idea that shoulders should be covered as it links back to older fashions and maintains the traditional element in the wedding ceremony.

At 17, it's unlikely I'll get married anytime soon, but a girl can dream. I'll add to this blog as I gather more info on the ideals of the female race. Some how the dress is always the most important thing...

Over and Out,

Friday 11 September 2009

Fairy tale stylee...

I made a cape! It's awesome, made from an old skirt. Will get a photo, but want to add a hood to it. Apparently Hester has exactly the same skirt and may donate for recreational purposes. Hmmm... excited. I felt like little Red Riding Hood all day, which was amazing. I need to get photos but mother has confiscated her camera, for unknown reasons.

In a nutshell it is probably bum length (not a technical term) brown corduroy with a shimmery bluey purpley coloured trim and the same coloured ties. Purple material is from an old curtain I bought in a charity shop. Woo!

Random, but I read aggges ago that Jemima Khan's hair is so thick mainly because she never ties it up. So, obvs not just because of this, but for slightly this reason plus because of a really cool picture on The Sartorialist , I have taken to tying my hair up with scarves. Just plaited or tied. Thing is I don't know if people are being serious when I get complimented. I mean it's not like I really care, I care about my hair, which actually really needs a cut. Plus I really need it to be waist length for the Leaver's Ball next year. I really want a full length backless gold dress. Not gonna happen but a girl can dream right? Christmas party first. Already freaking out. Need to go shopping. I did find the most amazing one in H&M, I'm not usually a fan, but it was sweeeet. Sadly it cost £20, slightly over my budget. But I need to beat last year which was one of my mum's. Strangely a very short, very tight black dress with my gold shoooes. Miss Sixty and gorgeous. Hm... will need to plan.

I'm rambling, which is something I never do. I'm shocked you would suggest such a thing.
Over and Out,
PS Just realised the last time I posted summat. My mother stole the computer. And I'm pleading exhaustion...

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Dressing up...

Just a short one today as I feel I should write something as my friends badger me otherwise. Believe me, badger is the word. So I found some really interesting photos from meine AS art last year ago. The theme was Growth and Decay, I specialised in Domestic Violence. I wanted to show that even the coolest or most glamourous people can be subject to this, so I have a selection of those photos. (Needless to say we went slightly crazy after a while.) A) coz I like 'em and B) I'm feeling slightly uninspired on the dressing front today due to the warmth (so hot!) In usual of shirt, 80s skirt and tights. So meh basically. Plus I'm really bad at the whole photos in school thing. I just... forget.
Talking of school, omg, we are doing Zadok the Priest in choir. Probably means naught to most. But is sooooo hard to sing. Haven't sang soprano in... six weeks, suddenly straight in with a high F# is a killer.
So... photos. New school year resolution: Don't get distracted. It's failing. I'm writing a blog. Not doing my history.

This is Lucia in my father's bowler hat. She had been crying. I blame onions.

Hester in my grandmother's vintage hat and a 1940s vintage dress. It only seems to look good on her, but is a lovely item. Looks great with red lipstick. Personally love love love.

This is Hester again. In my old fur coat. It fell apart. I bought it from a fancy dress shop for a fiver, we think it was kangaroo. May it rest in pieces.

Raquelle Maloney. Great girl, big smile. Father's Boater (Love it, want it. Can't) My old old old soldier jacket from when I was about 5. And this amazing sequined minidress I found. Sadly I don't have the legs for it. But I can love it for what it is.

For obvious reasons I love this photo. Mainly because of Raquelle in the background. With the bruises (make-up for the record) and the expression you can't really tell what she is doing there. I just love it. Ok it's not majorly artistic, but it was just one of those moments that had to be caught.

Just realised my short post as always is not short. Hope you enjoyed the photos:)

Over and Out,


PS. Lucia wanted me to tell y'all that she did the make up. She wanted some credit. Hey Lucia!

Monday 7 September 2009

Opera and Maths

Garden Opera was amazing btw, good ol' Rossini. As I say it's not my usual cup of tea, but the costume was good. I've realised that seems to be my usual line when describing something.
'The Aviator was a terrible film.' 'But had amazing costume.'
'I didn't like the Duchess, but I thought the costume was brilliant.'
Shows where my brain is usually situated.
Anyway, I have a photo of this guy who was there. I think he owned the house or was a relative or something. He was dubbed the Cambridge Punter Dude, due to his dress sense, but it was lovely and old fashioned, and well, you can see for yourself.

Bad photo

I have just realised he is looking straight at the camera. Maybe he suspected something was afoot...
The night was great, and was good fun dressing up. I have these great white wool trousers, slightly harem-y, which I LOVE. Bought from London aaages ago, but are incredible. Wore with a shirt, cherry red tank top and camel coloured cashmere coat. I felt like someone from Brideshead Revisited. I haven't seen the new film yet, but apparently the costume is amazing...
The TV series with Jeremy Irons is legendary and for good reason. I suddenly love guys in polo necks and slicked back hair. And Jeremy Irons is suddenly attractive, which is never really a good thing.
Hester Rose, my freunden, is doing this really cool art project involving floaty dresses and half naked women. Apparently we are to be her models. I'll style, getting naked isn't really my thing. Sorry if she is reading this...
But I mentioned this as I suggested Flaming June by Frederic Leighton to her. It's an inspiring piece of work and everything about it is perfect. The colours, the pose, the model and subject. It's one of my favs, and you should all check it out. Really. Plus Hester is thinking of doing a shot at some point, I don't know when or where, but I will take photos for here. I did a similar thing a couple of years ago. If I can find the photos I will post.
School today was good. Tudor rebellions in the morning, double maths in the afternoon. Yay...! I managed to complete six weeks worth of work in one day. And I went to a BBQ in the evening. I'm shocked by a) my extreme laziness when it comes to work and b) by the speed at which I completed it... I wanted to go for a smarter look today, but instead looked slightly Austrian. But I like the Austrians, the best composers are Austrian. I put it down to the hat and braces, they resemble leiderhosen.

Hair scarf: A random one I found in my room. Coat: Charity. White Shirt: Tesco. Shorts: Ebay! Tights: Tesco. Boots: Vintage... from ma mere.

And another, you can see the braces:)

The braces were pikied from my father. Moss bros. I think...

Well I think that is it from my life atm. Again if I can think of anything of interest I will relay. I'm going to go watch Fame, the original. I am appalled that they have remade it! You can't do that. You just can't. It's like Footloose. Life doesn't work that way, sorry Hollywood. Talking about remakes. Wuthering Heights? Didn't see BBC, but Ed Westwick as Heathcliff. He has already failed. Ralph Fiennes did a good job, but he is not a character one would wish to attempt to master. He is so horrible, but understandably in a strange way, but no way can you sympathise with him?! Yes, that means you Savannah. Gosh, I am name dropping today. Not those of anyone of any importance though. Actually, will get hold of yesterday's Sunday Times Magazine. I know the girl who was on the front. Ha!

Over and Out,


Saturday 5 September 2009

Schoolage photos.

So it appears that photos were taken. Bad memory I guess. Blurry selection, silly camera. Am shattered as went to the opera earlier, hence short sentences. Not my usual haunt, but was actually very good. Took a couple of photos, there was a really cool guy in the audience who looked like a Cambridge punter. Yellow moleskins and blazers. With an opera scarf. But he looked cool.

Anyhoo... photos from yesterday.

This one is incredibly blurry. It's Dolly and my lovely self. She has better legs than me... sadly.

This was taken at lunch, so t-shirt was making an escape. I was unaware of this photo and facial expression was tres bizarre so has been cut out:) And arms aren't usually in such a strange position. I love this skirt, it's one of my favourite items of clothing together with my cashmere coat and camel hair cardigan. I love colour, but strangely these are all of the beige orientation. Hmm...
This is Lucia Moreno, my best friend. Her hair looked great yesterday, and no she is not telling me to write this. A compliment? From me? Something must be wrong... Well, her recently dyed hair looks nice, it was a bit mottled last time. But it's good to have hair disasters. I was attacked with the highlighting bleach stuff. I have a blonde streak, it apparently looks natural. I do not agree. Anyway, Lucia looks good. She was going to go for the whole back to school school uniform stylee outfit, but couldn't find a shirt. At least she didn't wear jeggings...
I'm to Bedfordshire now, as am about to collapse on the keyboard.lyuahfnmb. No I just did. To bed! And beyond. See y'all
Over and Out,
Btw... It's really annoying that the spell check on here is for the US. Anyone know how I can change it?

Dr Who

Ok, so I'm not a Dr Who fan. David Tennant didn't really do it for me, with the converse and suit. But I am thrilled to say that the new Dr, Matt Smith, is officially wearing a bowtie and a tweed jacket with elbow patches for the new series! So excited, I might actually watch.

Loving the look. Retro and lovely. At last a Doctor with a decent fashion sense...
Over and Out,
PS He apparently also has Dr Martens. How cool?!

Friday 4 September 2009


Right... So it's the first day back after a lovely break of six weeks involving Facebook and ice cream, and I was so psyched to wear the kimono, that was until mother of mine decided that maybe it needed cleaning before it was revealed to the populous. (She later said that she had nothing against it. Whatevs.) And therefore with twenty minutes left until the car left I had to get ready. So I chuck on a shirt... as a skirt and for my efforts am rewarded with:
Mother: Billie, maybe the world just isn't ready for that.
Billie: They had it in Vogue.
Father: Yes, in a renowned fashion magazine. Fashion is not important for school.
I'm shocked I really am. So I stick to my usual. One of ma mere's 80s waist skirts, beige and black houndstooth, short and tight. A pink t-shirt, I never wear t-shirts. Ever. And a red waist belt that has clearly seen better days. Teamed with my lace up ankle boots and my hot pink mac, I was set to go. But sadly I forgot my camera. Which sucks. Basically, if you want an idea, stick the above clothes on a figure which is pretty much boobs and bum, with a waist.
Dolly wore this really nice checked shirt dress, pirate boots and my belt. For once I wasn't wearing the shortest skirt, that's a first.
Dunno if you've heard of them, but I was introduced to a lovely thing called jeggings a few weeks ago. They seem to have taken over the school. Apparently bought from Topshop (link here,) these articles were in abundance. I'm talking about twenty people. A bizarre mixture of the latest fads of skinny jeans and leggings, they only suit the most toned, and appear to be see through. I saw many an interesting pair of underwear. The thing is that people were them like jeans, so t-shirts and short shirts were the usual accessories. Hideous. Maybe I'm jealous that my size 12 frame wouldn't squeeze into something clearly not meant to be worn and kinda resembles a navy sausage skin... I think not.
I have to say that the tartan shirt trend is one that I'm loving atm though. Again a lot of them around, on both guys and dolls, but they are eternally flattering and come in so many shapes and colours that they work on everyone. I'm thinking of investing, well, picking one up from the local Cancer Research or from the mother.
As I've said before I can't wait till winter. Having already had two power cuts today, I'm feeling the cold, so the cashmere is out, but I don't think it's quite wool coats and tweeds yet. I'm waiting. Patiently.
It was great to be back at Ye Olde Schoole, and will need to bring a camera in, or see if anyone took photos today.
Over and Out,

Thursday 3 September 2009


There are various reasons for the OMG of today:

1) I was woken up this morning, the last day of my summer, by Dolly, at 7.30am. which isn't even vaguely amusing. So now after... 5 cups of tea (and it's only 9.30) I'm on a caffeine high. Great...

2) I have my first photos yay! Which isn't really an omg, just a statement... Photo will be coming later in the bloggen.

3) Ugly Betty yesterday?! Spoiler alert here people if you haven't watched,, but omg, what was up with all the drama at the end?! is it end of series soon and they just want to split up the lovely couple of Conner and Molly. It was just strange, there was a lot of shocked expressions all round yesterday i have to say. I'm shocked, shocked and appalled. c'est terrible.

4) This is a happy omg, if there is such a thing... whilst hunting round my wardrobe for something spectacular to wear on the first day of school tomorrow I thought I'd branch out into my dressing up box. I had fun. To the extreme. Baring in mind this box has been in my room for... 15 years, I never realised how cool (and dirty) most of the stuff is. But anyhoo, I found the most amazing silk kimono, it's black and red and generally awesome. Will take photos. I feel like a geisha in it, which is always a good thing... right?

This is Dolly. Without a head.

The top she is wearing is this really cool one from TK Maxx, love it and that shop. It has these really cute velvet details on the front, and, as velvet is 'in,' is so pretty.

And these are the shoes. Love love love these shoes. Slightly witchy, but in a really good way. The 40s twist with the metallic just make them.... Love love love. Another TK Maxx find... Woop.

I can't wait till winter! Velvet and lace and tweed, it's the English Eccentric in me... Dolly hasn't quite cottoned on to the awesomeness of charity shops, the dressing up box, my mum's clothes... but she does know how to shop at TK Maxx, which is great as invariably, she is the one with money...

That's all I can think of atm. Will get back to you if need be,

Over and Out,


My tip: Try the mens department at TK Maxx. It usually has better fabrics, or good fabrics at better prices. ie Cashmere. And the shirts are pretty good too.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

You are my sweetest downfall...

Ok, as the first 'proper' blog, not just an introduction to it all. At 17, I'm still at school, hopefully uni next year... if I actually can be bothered to do any work.
School starts on Friday, am soooo not prepared as still haven't done my work, despite my parents' nagging. I have spent most the summer looking up music on the lovely which is amazing in every sense of the world. Together with a minor obsession with The Tudors, (Charles Brandon over Henry VIII any day... Oh Mr Cavill) I have spent waaay too much time sitting in front of a pc screen.
Regina Spektor is amazing, title of blog refers to her song Samson. It's hauntingly beautiful and is perfect summer music. The Call from the Prince Caspian soundtrack is one of kind, no one can sing it like she can. Sadly she didn't sing it live at Latitude 2009, but her awesomeness is uncomparable. Maybe except with Debbie Harry, who has a better figure than I do, which is amazing consdiering the amount of substances I'm sure she's done.

So, summer has officially finished. Today it was cold enough to bring out the winter woolies, maybe it's down to my temperature guage, maybe it is the weather, but I personally love being curled up in my camelhair cardigan. Why is it men's clothing fits so much better than womens? Most of my wardrobe consists of my father's cast offs. I'm sure he appreciates it.
Till tomorrow, when Dolly starts school...
Over and Out,

For starters...

So basically this is going to be a blog on my ideas on fashion and the world around, without getting too political or starting religious debates. I won't go into depths on the shows, just my ideas on the latest trends littered with photos of my every day outfits, those outfits of my friends, my sisters Dolly and Cherry, and of whoever I think is expressing their individuality through their clothes.
You only live once and fashion is there to show who you are and what you want to be.

Jeans and t-shirts are not prohibited...