Wednesday, 2 September 2009

You are my sweetest downfall...

Ok, as the first 'proper' blog, not just an introduction to it all. At 17, I'm still at school, hopefully uni next year... if I actually can be bothered to do any work.
School starts on Friday, am soooo not prepared as still haven't done my work, despite my parents' nagging. I have spent most the summer looking up music on the lovely which is amazing in every sense of the world. Together with a minor obsession with The Tudors, (Charles Brandon over Henry VIII any day... Oh Mr Cavill) I have spent waaay too much time sitting in front of a pc screen.
Regina Spektor is amazing, title of blog refers to her song Samson. It's hauntingly beautiful and is perfect summer music. The Call from the Prince Caspian soundtrack is one of kind, no one can sing it like she can. Sadly she didn't sing it live at Latitude 2009, but her awesomeness is uncomparable. Maybe except with Debbie Harry, who has a better figure than I do, which is amazing consdiering the amount of substances I'm sure she's done.

So, summer has officially finished. Today it was cold enough to bring out the winter woolies, maybe it's down to my temperature guage, maybe it is the weather, but I personally love being curled up in my camelhair cardigan. Why is it men's clothing fits so much better than womens? Most of my wardrobe consists of my father's cast offs. I'm sure he appreciates it.
Till tomorrow, when Dolly starts school...
Over and Out,

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