Thursday, 3 September 2009


There are various reasons for the OMG of today:

1) I was woken up this morning, the last day of my summer, by Dolly, at 7.30am. which isn't even vaguely amusing. So now after... 5 cups of tea (and it's only 9.30) I'm on a caffeine high. Great...

2) I have my first photos yay! Which isn't really an omg, just a statement... Photo will be coming later in the bloggen.

3) Ugly Betty yesterday?! Spoiler alert here people if you haven't watched,, but omg, what was up with all the drama at the end?! is it end of series soon and they just want to split up the lovely couple of Conner and Molly. It was just strange, there was a lot of shocked expressions all round yesterday i have to say. I'm shocked, shocked and appalled. c'est terrible.

4) This is a happy omg, if there is such a thing... whilst hunting round my wardrobe for something spectacular to wear on the first day of school tomorrow I thought I'd branch out into my dressing up box. I had fun. To the extreme. Baring in mind this box has been in my room for... 15 years, I never realised how cool (and dirty) most of the stuff is. But anyhoo, I found the most amazing silk kimono, it's black and red and generally awesome. Will take photos. I feel like a geisha in it, which is always a good thing... right?

This is Dolly. Without a head.

The top she is wearing is this really cool one from TK Maxx, love it and that shop. It has these really cute velvet details on the front, and, as velvet is 'in,' is so pretty.

And these are the shoes. Love love love these shoes. Slightly witchy, but in a really good way. The 40s twist with the metallic just make them.... Love love love. Another TK Maxx find... Woop.

I can't wait till winter! Velvet and lace and tweed, it's the English Eccentric in me... Dolly hasn't quite cottoned on to the awesomeness of charity shops, the dressing up box, my mum's clothes... but she does know how to shop at TK Maxx, which is great as invariably, she is the one with money...

That's all I can think of atm. Will get back to you if need be,

Over and Out,


My tip: Try the mens department at TK Maxx. It usually has better fabrics, or good fabrics at better prices. ie Cashmere. And the shirts are pretty good too.

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