Anyway, I have a photo of this guy who was there. I think he owned the house or was a relative or something. He was dubbed the Cambridge Punter Dude, due to his dress sense, but it was lovely and old fashioned, and well, you can see for yourself.

The night was great, and was good fun dressing up. I have these great white wool trousers, slightly harem-y, which I LOVE. Bought from London aaages ago, but are incredible. Wore with a shirt, cherry red tank top and camel coloured cashmere coat. I felt like someone from Brideshead Revisited. I haven't seen the new film yet, but apparently the costume is amazing...
The TV series with Jeremy Irons is legendary and for good reason. I suddenly love guys in polo necks and slicked back hair. And Jeremy Irons is suddenly attractive, which is never really a good thing.
Hester Rose, my freunden, is doing this really cool art project involving floaty dresses and half naked women. Apparently we are to be her models. I'll style, getting naked isn't really my thing. Sorry if she is reading this...
But I mentioned this as I suggested Flaming June by Frederic Leighton to her. It's an inspiring piece of work and everything about it is perfect. The colours, the pose, the model and subject. It's one of my favs, and you should all check it out. Really. Plus Hester is thinking of doing a shot at some point, I don't know when or where, but I will take photos for here. I did a similar thing a couple of years ago. If I can find the photos I will post.
School today was good. Tudor rebellions in the morning, double maths in the afternoon. Yay...! I managed to complete six weeks worth of work in one day. And I went to a BBQ in the evening. I'm shocked by a) my extreme laziness when it comes to work and b) by the speed at which I completed it... I wanted to go for a smarter look today, but instead looked slightly Austrian. But I like the Austrians, the best composers are Austrian. I put it down to the hat and braces, they resemble leiderhosen.
Hair scarf: A random one I found in my room. Coat: Charity. White Shirt: Tesco. Shorts: Ebay! Tights: Tesco. Boots: Vintage... from ma mere.
And another, you can see the braces:)

The braces were pikied from my father. Moss bros. I think...
Well I think that is it from my life atm. Again if I can think of anything of interest I will relay. I'm going to go watch Fame, the original. I am appalled that they have remade it! You can't do that. You just can't. It's like Footloose. Life doesn't work that way, sorry Hollywood. Talking about remakes. Wuthering Heights? Didn't see BBC, but Ed Westwick as Heathcliff. He has already failed. Ralph Fiennes did a good job, but he is not a character one would wish to attempt to master. He is so horrible, but understandably in a strange way, but no way can you sympathise with him?! Yes, that means you Savannah. Gosh, I am name dropping today. Not those of anyone of any importance though. Actually, will get hold of yesterday's Sunday Times Magazine. I know the girl who was on the front. Ha!
Over and Out,
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