Friday, 18 September 2009


I don't collect shoes. I love them, I appreciate their beauty (Prada, Louboutin) but my limited budget has no chance of keeping up with the price tags. My favourite pair are gold platforms by Miss Sixty. £16.99 TK Maxx. It broke my rule of not spending over £15.

Anyhoo the theme of shoes is topical because I have seen some pretty awesome ones recently round about the school and in my head.
Firstly there was this guy yesterday wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, but with bright yellow shoes. Like near fluorescent. Loved it.
Saw similar with a friend of mine, but a blue top and orange shoes. Complementary colours.

Shoes boots are also everywhere. Lucia recently bought a really gorgeous pair of grey ankle boots from Next. Actually adorable. Makes her already tiny feet Chinese sized...
On the topic of shoe boots there is this girl with a really crazy dress sense, might have already mentioned her. But she makes most of her clothes. Or charity shop, which is always great. But today she was wearing this cute brown shoe boots with brown ribbons and I was just like I want...

My recent shoe love has to be my old ancient workers boots. Simple brown leather, but really sturdy with multi coloured laces. I love them and they completed my Vivienne Westwood themed outfit the other day. (Long story, but my friend refused to believe that VW had ever done anything worth while in fashion. I was like OMG!)

That's it as am suffering from minor exhaustion and am in dire need of photos pour mon bloggen.

Over and Out,

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