Ok, I know I've already blogged today but I couldn't resist writing this as it severaly saddened me.
Today. Outside Tesco I saw a five year old wearing heels. I'm always shocked when children are made to look older because they hit 25 and suddenly want to look younger. Enjoy your youth!!

There is random picture I drew on a post it. Not joking they were about 2 inchs. I was shicked, plus they looked like Barbie shoes, that kind of Barbie pink. I was so tempted to scream NO! out of the window, but refrained. Yay, go me...
If I think of more I shall write. Woop...
Btw I bought the most immense presentos pour Lucia and Raquelle today. I will inform more in two weeks after their birthday.
Over and Out,
that is so shit. I once saw in the 915 section (as in, children's) at New Look a pair of red stilettos. I also saw a similar pair described by Michaela on Hollyoaks as her "best pulling shoes". Jesus man.