So it's been a while. Every Wednesday I thought oh it's been a while. And indeed it has.
And in that while quite a bit has happened. I got into my first choice university to study History of Art. The university being St Andrews, up in Scotland. Going a week tomorrow, and I've never been to Scotland before. So that's what the photo is for. A nice little view of me in me kilt.
Another change is I had a hair-cut. Apparently my hair was too long and living in a small town without a hair dresser was too much for the mother to cope with. So I had FOUR inches cut off. I don't have a photo but I look about 12. And then I got a very concussed Cherry to dye it for me yesterday. So I have a ginger fringe that looks like a severely receding hairline when it is tied back. Yay...
Also recently there has been a slight obsession with shoes. I've never been a shoe person. but a recent purchase of some gorgeous, yet slightly hideous shoe boots from Topshop has converted me. And maybe also the £3 I spent on some new Bruno Magli shoes from a local charity shop. They are slightly small, but sooo pretty. I also got Cherry a pair of Marie Antoinette style suede shoes (Pancaldi, I think.) So beautiful, in dark pink suede, and Dolly was given some 1950s vintage black patent men's brogues. For £13, I did rather well I think.

Some random drawings. The first I just like, the second came about due to a slight obsession with period dramas. Mainly Pride and Prejudice...
So who else is loving the current New Look trend? I'm so psyched about calf-length circle skirts, though I doubt they will be on the high street. Can you really see H&M stocking them? Or Primark with wool camel coats?
I'll stay in my beloved cashmere version and camelhair jumper (which looks suspiciously like Stella McCartney's.)
You've definitely had a busy little "while"!
ReplyDeleteFirst of, I absolutely the photo of you. I've been looking for a similar tartan fabric, only instead of it being a kilt, I would like a full skirt.
Congratulations on getting into Uni! Especially getting into your first choice. Good on you!
I love that first drawing you did. And you're such a lucky girl to have snagged up such good pieces at a bargain!
Have a lovely week!