Why hello there?
Ok, so anyone who knows me knows also of my slight obsession with hats. Yesterday it was a fez (which involved a humorous incident when I thought the tassel was a spider on my book. I don't think I've ever screamed so much in my life.) I also have a beautiful purple cloche hat and several others. I just think they are beautiful. And so glamorous. Anyway today I was walking round the local town flinging my CV at anyone in an attempt to find any work at all, short of prostitution or involving dancing. As I got more and more bored with the general lack of vacancies and rude women in Laura Ashley I went to the charity shops. The ones in this town used to be really good. That was before Peacocks invaded. Now its all meh and scabby, plus why would you pay £7 for a dress from Primark? It's £6 new. Why, why why?
Also 'Mary, Queen of Shops' (oh the hilarity of that pun. I hope she also gets her head cut off...) has ruined them. Apparently its fine to charge exorbitant prices for something when it is rarely worth it. I would give so much more to charity if it didn't cost me £14 for a dress. Cheap skate I know, but I have no money...
In one of the usual haunts today I found a Zandra Rhodes skirt and top. It's been there a while. £20. I should probs have bought and ebayed it, but really couldn't be bothered. Anyway, condemned to the Retro/Fancy Dress pile (always the best bit) was this really cute hat. It was £3 so it's now come home. Showed it to the mother who is very strict on what I bring home. Turns out its rabbit fur with a snake-skin trim. I love even more.
Now please don't have a go at me for my love of natural fibres (which includes fur and skin.) I only buy it vintage, so it's okay right? And is so much better quality than the cheap fakes you find and is (occasionally) cheaper than the good fakes.
Anyway, it's beautiful. Yay!
Here are some random drawings. Apologies for the felt tip seeping through. Seep, seep, seep. Such a good word. Speaking of good words, anyone watch Miranda? Television gold.

The one on the back of this one will be shown at a later date. But I really want a ruff, like proper Elizabethan. So regal. I'd waltz down the high-street, decapitating fellow shoppers.
Mainly because I want a bodice with shells on and an ultra thin calf-length skirt. So I like velly velly much.
Also from an earlier post I said I'm reading the English Patient. The film is silly and doesn't stick to the book and so Caravaggio is scary. And I like me some Caravaggio- especially his Bacchus (which is not a euphemism...) But Ralph Fiennes is freakishly awesome as always and Colin Firth. Well, we just love him. Also in the Importance of Being Ernest. Him and Rupert Everett. LOVE!
Right, I'm off to sort out my wardrobe. I need more space!
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