Sunday, 3 January 2010


In fact over a month. Have been ridiculously busy. Plus haven't been on the old PC due to a lovely thing called snow, and bad Internet. Plus have exams all next week, yay. But it's my birthday before so I can have a slight break from the hardcore revision.

New Years was so much fun. Cherry had a bunch of friends round and we had to dress up as a culture. There were a lot of French people. What was funny was that though the outfits were all different they were so similar. Breton tops, black bottoms, pumps, beret, beauty spot, red lipstick. We also had Russians, Greeks, Pirates, Japanese and I went American. Which was fun. 1930s to be exact. Bias-cut dress, fake fur coat, black heels, red lipstick and big hair. Sadly the accent didn't last long, but celebrations lasted til 6.30am.

Due to the snow round here it's been freezing, well just below to be pedantic. So its been wool, wool and more wool. Evensong involved floor length kilts and cashmere coats. Christmas Eve was a red wool jumper dress and Christmas Day was tweed plus fours and cashmere jumper. An effective way to keep warm.

Got to go finish off my three essays before Tuesday, so

Over and Out,