Atm I am completely obsessed with Ugly Betty and Gossip Girl. GG has some ridiculously cool clothes, and I'm thinking if only I had the legal rights to code post gossip about people at school. I have so much. I love gossip. Don't you?
In the Aeneid, Rumour is described as this flying beast with thousands of mouths, eyes and ears, saying as many lies as truths. That's what I love about gossip. It's amazing. Only thing people know me. They won't tell me.
I might say something. There's a guy at school who says that he could never 'fancy' (hate that word) someone as he sees the flaws in everyone. Baring in mind, most people judge him as someone who is arrogant and annoying, I don't think he is in the right place to judge. He is a friend though, and I can cope with his annoying factors.
I mean I'm not a psychologist or anything, but I find people's mentalities towards life so strange. Take my best friends, all girls. They think that a guy opening the door for them is demeaning and it's as if the feminist movement didn't happen. My liking it makes me the enemy in this whole thing. I like a bit of common courtesy and behave like a woman, and don't try to be an equal. I know I am intellectually, but not physically. Also the whole idea of a girl fawning over a guy and acting all submissive, head on shoulder or anything, is going to make a guy possessive over you. So when they do, why do girls get annoyed? Mixed signals and all that jazz. It's strange, I like the whole cool, distant and silently interesting. The whole boisterous, overly flirtatious and almost sycophantic nature most of my friends have really gets to me, especially when they get irritated that a guy feels possessive or likes them.
Very strange. I might just change from fashion to gossip or general rants about those little things that annoy me.
Believe me I have a lot. Of both categories.
Over and Out,